Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sparks Reloaded: Master Series 2024, Vancouver Canada

  Attendees and presenter (below) at the Roundhouse, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
British Columbia's only Academy Awards accredited Film Festival- Canada's screen award qualifying festival.
(Photographer- Marina Antunes)

Ticket (below) front and back for the SPARKS Reloaded: Master Series
(Photographer- Darrell Carr)


(Photographer- Darius Carter)

 This past weekend (September 21,2024) I had the opportunity to conduct a 'masterclass' in Vancouver, BC Canada. I had been invited some weeks earlier by Keith Blackmore (below), Producer and Conference Chairman of Spark CG Society.

(Photograph-Kate Drabkin)

 The trip north officially started for me that Thursday after class ended at Mt San Antonio College, in the city of Walnut in southern California, where I instruct a fundamental drawing class, that ended at 6:20pm.

A fifteen minute drive home to finish packing, double checking to confirm I have everything needed for the four, one hour sessions...PowerPoint on thumb drive, china markers for drawing, extra batteries for pointer, passport, sketchbook, extra pens, facemask, change of clothes, toiletries, ticket number on cell phone etc. Then to bed for a short nights sleep.

I questioned why the airline suggest getting to the airport three hours early for an international flight...until I saw the length of the lines going through TSA at 6am.

Once through the security check I did some sketching of travelers waiting for their x-rayed carryon luggage, pat downs and re-dressing themselves.

I did not get to see much of Vancouver, I was there for such a short time. Fly up Friday, workshop all day Saturday and early flight out Sunday morning. Keith picked me up at the airport and we took the 'scenic' route. I got some grand views of the coast line and scenery on the way to the hotel.

A good nights sleep prepared me for the days activities. Driving from his home to the hotel, Keith and I walked the short distance to the venue. We arrived early for a sound check  and to make sure the electronics were compatible for the slide presentations.

On with the show...

 Storytelling Through Quick Sketching: The Artist's Secret Weapon- about to begin.

The sessions consisted of my life growing up in the little town of Monrovia, CA, quick sketching, illustration and ended with animation. Me, explaining how they all contributed to who I am today.

 I demonstrate how these three art disciplines interrelate to one another-quicksketchillustrationanimation is what I call it.

Explaining the simplicity of basic shapes (below)...

(Photographer-Kate Drabkin)

(Photographer- Kate Drabkin)
  audience participation helped me draw across my point (left).

(Photographer- Kate Drabkin)

When I can't find the words or draw an image, I act it out:- ) right and below:- )..

(Photographer- Kate Drabkin)

 Each session was followed by question and answer conducted by Dave Burgess (below).
We had contributed our drawing talents to Disney Feature Animation, having been on several productions together.
Dave's background as a character animator gave him an insiders unique understanding to pepper me with questions that kept the audience attentive and entertained.
(Photographer-Kate Drabkin)

(Photographer-Kate Drabkin)


I also fielded questions from the audience (below).
From the comments I got at the signing, my answers gave them insights that would encourage and inspire them to continue to develop their artistic talents and appreciate the abilities they have been blessed with..

(Photographer-Kate Drabkin)

We ended the day with some door prizes by calling the number on their tickets.

And the winners...

This young lady received a copy of my book Quick Sketching with Ron Husband (above).

(Photographer- Kate Drabkin)
   More prizes by numbers- about a half dozen lanyards designed by my son Jai with the Quick Sketching by Ron Husband motif printed on them.
(Photographer- Kate Drabkin)

For the next hour and a half I got to sign autographs and chat with those in attendance.

(Photographer- Kate Drabkin)

(Photographer- Kate Drabkin)

My thanks and appreciation go out to Keith Blackmore and is staff at the Spark Animation Festival 2024 for inviting me into your world of animation expression.

Until next time...

Monday, August 26, 2024

Men's Fall-Winter 2024 Show | LOUIS VUITTON

(Photo: Andrew Carnegie Brown)

What do Black Cowboys, Pharrell Williams, Louis Vuitton and Ron Husband have in common?
A line of clothing designed by Pharrell based on the theme-Black Cowboys with artwork supplied by me.  I assume a great many of you who read this blog have seen the ad/commercial (link below).
Here is a little behind the scenes leading up to the filming of the piece.

No, no, no and no.
These are the answers I give when asked about the part I played in this entertaining piece backed by Louis Vuitton.
 No, I did not meet Pharrell Williams...
 no, I did not get to keep any of the merchandise LV supplied...
 no, I did not go to Paris for the Fall Fashion show and,
 no, I did not design any of the apparel and none of my drawings appear on any of the clothing (when the commercial was shot in December 2023, the clothing line had already been designed).

Now for the yes part... yes,yes,yes it was fun, fun, fun to work on. Every step of the way was paved with great personalities to partner with.  Here is how it unfolded:

In November 2023 I bumped into artist, author, and filmmaker Dave Bossert at Creative Talent Network (CTN), Tina Price's wish come true for creatives that she puts on annually in Burbank, CA.
Dave has a popular podcast, Skull Rock Broadcast, that he hosts with Aljon Go. Our conversation that day led Dave to  invite me on the show for an interview. A short time later our schedules aligned and our planned one session blossomed into three episodes as we had much to talk about.

The positive insights that permeated the discussions was that the interviewer had the same experiences at Disney Feature Animation that I had. Dave and I contributed to some of the same features, but from different departments. I, as a character animator and he in special effects, as an artistic coordinator, and visual effects supervisor.

A few weeks after the interviews he contacted me and apologized for passing my contact information to a third party without asking first, but..."your name popped into my mind when I heard that they were looking for an artist"...or something to that effect..."they will be in touch".

 Days later I was contacted by Consol Studios in London. They represented  an 'esteemed client' with a  project that dealt with "the rich history of the Black American Cowboy...are you interested?"

 Yes, very interested at this initial juncture.
 I had not signed a non disclosure agreement at this time and Consol was limited as to what information they could share with me as we dialogued via email and over Zoom.

(Sami Janjer left, me and director Bafic right) Photo?

 Creative Concepts Director Sami Janjer (above) of Consol was going to be in Los Angeles on business "would I have time to meet with him?". Of course!

We met at the local IHOP here in San Dimas, CA. Over breakfast he explained that Parrell Williams designed a line of clothing and apparel based on the Black Cowboy theme. "We are going to shoot a commercial for Louis Vuitton as a prelude to the upcoming Fashion Week in Paris in early January 2024...still interested?".


December 16th was set as the date to film.
Leading up to this date I was asked via email for my clothing sizes.
Sami, Bafic (above, African born director, goes by the single name) and creative Andrew Carnegie Brown (no photo, behind the scenes being creative) visited my home studio to scout for authenticity in 'dressing' the studio set. They borrowed some of the nick-nacks that adorn/clutter my desk to capture the environment in which I sketch, draw and animate.

The day before the shoot I had a wardrobe fitting and voice recording session for the narration.
In one of the Happy Place Inc. video recording rooms, Bafic did his best to coach my voice down to the Barry White bass level and  smooth out my delivery of the lines. After a few bad takes, I was no longer alone in the sound room. Bafic took a seat on the floor not two feet from the microphone stand to encouragingly say, "lets try it again, this time a little lower"...this time a little slower/faster...more pause/less pause between words/lines."

On the spot he scribbled lines that had nothing to do with the script and had me read them. "Now, read the lines like you read that note." "First few lines are ok, we need to carry that consistency to the end" or vice versa.

After hours of  repetition, Bafic had successfully guided me through the lines.

Bafic and Andrew had envisioned close-up shots of my hands as I drew and animated. This would require a manicure. No problem, they had a manicurist on call, just waiting for me in another room. An adventure for very first manicure.
After the pleasantry of the fingernail beautification, on to wardrobe.

(left to right Rita Zebdi wardrobe, Sami, me, Bafic, Dusty Starkes grooming, Ryan Marie Helfant director of photography, Sarah Hartman producer at Happy Place, Inc.)

"Ron's got some big feet" slid from Sami's lips as he saw the cowboy boots LV set over from Paris.
Not quite an accurate description of my feet. These gorgeous, Louis Vuitton designed, chrome tipped boots were three sizes too big.
In fact, everything sent over (jeans, shirts etc.) by LV was too, too big.
In steps wardrobe stylist Rita Zebdi to 'fix' everything. Think of being fitted for a suit or dress, pins and all. She literally tailored overnight.. The next day, everything fit.

Except for the boots. Fortunately, they sent over two pair. The ones I wore were not as fancy. Big, but a size my feet could manage. LV also sent jewelry- rings and watches. I wear rings and a watch. They were attempting to duplicate my natural self adornment. My Disney ring would be problematic on close-up filming of my hands. We  are showcasing Louis Vuitton, not Disney.

That great looking cowboy hat was also too big. Again, Rita to the rescue with another 'fix'. The morning of the shoot she arrived with weather stripping to take up the extra room so when I turn my head, the hat will go with me:- ). All preparations for the next day complete, now home for a good night sleep to be rested for full day of filming.

I arrive early to a beehive of activity of perhaps a hundred people on set preparing the soundstage, camera set-ups, lighting and other key elements.

On to the dressing room to be fitted in custom attire. Rita dresses me to look my best. 
Dusty Starks is in charge of 'grooming'. Her eagle eyes check between every shot, ensuring there are no unnecessary wrinkles in my clothing, the turtle neck is tucked in just right, the hat is tilted just so etc. for the individual scenes being filmed.

(Photos from here to the end attributed to Andrew Carnegie Brown)

 Director Bafic's creative camera angles visually enhance the viewing pleasure. The close-up, under the light table shot of my hands is quite inventive.

More challenging camera work by Bafic (above)...this example, over the shoulder, without the hat for the shot, produced some appealing visuals.

After a full day of filming (above) and sketching on set (below).

Here's a link to the finished product:

Backlot fun...
After the filming ended, we sat down to relax from our all our effort. It wasn't too long before  someone suggested, "let's get Ron and go outside to the backlot".

These shots were also taken and shared by Andrew Carnegie Brown. 

Until next time...

Link to article in Cartoon Brew by Amid Amidi, Animation Legend Ron Husband Helped Launch Louis Vuitton’s New Fall Fashion Line -

Ron Husband, the first Black artist to reach the rank of animator at Disney, is still trailblazing in new ways. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient from Citrus College (class of 1971)

Citrus College, Glendora, CA...

 This past Friday evening (6/7/24)  family, friends, school officials, dignitaries both state and local and even a film crew joined in a celebration honoring me as this years  Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient. 

The school marquee announcing the event... 

(below ) a mild California outdoor setting for the evenings activities (below)...
(photo by Stacy Armstrong)


name tags for attendees...

entertainment by the Citrus College wonderful band and vocal group 'Nightshift' (below and right) led into a memorable evening that wildly passed anything I could ask for or imagine.

(Photo by Stacy Armstrong)

(Photo by Stacy Armstrong)

 LaVonne and I got there early enough to mingle with the assembly. I got mic'd-up for the film crew, Don Hahn (Howard, Waking Sleeping Beauty) was on hand as he has 'something up his sleeve', so to speak.

Many "congratulations" from newly made friends to 70 years of friendship between me and some of those present who have known me since elementary school.

As mentioned earlier, Nightshift put on a rousing, toe tapping performance with music and vocals that hit a beat for all present. Their time on stage was truly electrifying as they left to  enthusiastic applause.

Dinner lines formed...

 followed by an informative history of Citrus College and the activity of the Citrus Alumni and Friends Association

 After a exuberant and animated introduction by Citrus Foundation member Mary Ann Lutz, I was presented with a certificate (below) representing the state Legislature from the office of Senator Hon. Anthony J. Portantino...

(Photo by S.A.)
then another presenter (below) with more positive remarks presented me with a certificate from the County of Los Angeles...

(Photo by S.A.)

 ...(below right) certificate from the Glendora City Council (Citrus is located in Glendora)...

 (below) from the City of Monrovia (I was born and lived in Monrovia most of my life)... 

(Photo by S.A.)

(Photo by S.A.)
 (below) certificate from the Board of Education, Monrovia Unified School District...
(Photo by S.A.)

(Photo by Stacy Armstrong)
and (above) Mary Ann Lutz, representing the Citrus College Alumni Foundation presented me with the Distinguished Alumni Award, accompanied by Citrus College President Greg Shultz, Ed. D.

A memorable and enjoyable time was had by all.

 Every story needs context to be properly understood.

 In order to know how this event and these circumstances came about, read on.

  November 1967- Aboard a school bus, filled with bodies in grass stained uniforms smelling of sweat, scarred helmets, worn cleats, a few bruises and amid jubilation, we, the Monrovia Wildcats football team were on the way home from a victory over Alhambra High. Our last game of the season. A season which saw us loose our first four games. Our fifth game, we pulled an 'upset' against Whittier and the winning streak continued to this night (below) newspaper clipping.

In the noisy, semi-darkness on the bus that night, I thought to myself, "that's it, no more football for me". I had no dreams of playing any further. Small build, not really that fast a runner, an 'ok' ballplayer, that's me.

 My personal goals had been accomplished. I wanted to play football at the same high school my brother Kenny had played for eleven years earlier, and I did. Ken had been captain of the basketball team, though I did not play basketball, I wanted to be captain of some team. I was named co-captain (below).

 Through sports teams I made friends, learned to play within the rules, lessons of sportsmanship, play hard, play hurt, give your best effort, whether you are winning or on the short end. Follow the leadership and instruction of the coaches, encourage teammates and don't complain... about anything.  Sometimes you do not get out of it what you put in. All this and more. Life lessons.

I felt this night I was putting on the breaks with one more hurdle to cross before my high school athletic participation would come to a close. The last track meet would be the end of my high school athletic career.

The end of the football season Sports Award Banquet brought a surprise.  As a team, we vote for individual honors.

 My votes went for wide receiver and safety Steve Collins as our Wildcat of the Year (best player). Offensive and defensive lineman Barry Reynolds (second from right) for Most Valuable Player and tight end Manuel Carlos (third from left) Most Improved. Johnny McLaurin (far left) got an award that was newly instituted that year. I was voted MVP. (below)

 I always liked this picture because you can see the 'Big M' over my left shoulder. Insignia in the foothills overlooking the city and serving as a sign if we won or lost at football on homecoming night as the 'V' in the M would be lighted as in victory.                                     Track season brought my high school athletic competition to an I thought.
Graduation brought a few more unexpected surprises.

 After graduation I had a summer job in Monrovia at Consolidated Electrodynamics, a drafting company operating an ozalid machine. This machine reproduced blueprints for the drafting crew. The machine ran on a continuous feed of ammonia. You can imagine what I smelled like at the end of the day:- ).

Returning home from work, Mom had left me a note (below) to..."call Coach Gurney".

  Coach Walt Gurney was the head football coach of Azusa High. In conversation over the phone he told me he remembered me from a pre-season game we (Monrovia) played against his team the year before at Citrus College Stadium.

Action (below) caught on camera of what Coach Gurney remembered of me.

 He was coaching the East San Gabriel Valley All-Star football team. One of the players got injured and there was a place on the team for one more more. They had been practicing a few days when a player got injured. On the team were these All This and All That running backs, Coach Gurney told me I would not be playing that position. Maybe a little on defense as a defensive back as  had missed days of practice.

"Yes, sounds fun...see you at practice coach". 

 Me (above) far left end of second row (...#10 middle first row, Rocky Long our starting quarterback, after college went on to a successful coaching career as the head coach at San Diego State U).

The experience re-awakened the athletic competition spark in me, though still not decided what I wanted to do after summer ended.

After a few days of practice (#32 below), I fit right in.


I was the starting running back that evening. The game ended 14-14...still not sure which way my future path would lead me.

  My high school counselor never mentioned I needed an SAT to apply to a college and no advise from those around me, left me scrambling to take the test in June. A month after I graduated.

 I had applied to Art Center College of Design. The results of my SAT were sent to the college and I did not hear from AC until December. They accepted me but I had spent the summer waiting to hear from them and when no communication came, I got discouraged and did not enroll at Citrus College. I worked that Fall washing dishes in a cafeteria at Avon here in Monrovia. Today there is a Home Depot on that location.

 To be honest, I did not have the finances to attend a highly ranked art school like Art Center, though the school accepted me. Now, looking back, did I have the mental toughness and discipline it requires to be a serious art student. 

 I enrolled at Citrus, took drawing, painting, drafting, English, creative writing and more. I thought of becoming a medical illustrator so I took a class in kinesiology. That was a mistake, I did poorly.

 I also ran track and played football for the 'Owls'. Those were the days you signed up for a class, bough your books and that was it out of the pocket.


Me, fourth block from the left.

Me (above) second row, far left.

Me standing, third from left (right).
Like in high school, I ran high hurdles and was on the sprint relay team (below).



I drew a caricature of the 1970 team (below). Number77 James (Wildman) Branch and #75 Barry Reynolds were voted co-captains. When captains were called out for the coin toss, Head Coach John Strycula would say "Huz, go with 'em".

November 1969...

 end of season awards freshman year...Most Improved.

 November 1970...
 end of season awards, sophomore year. 
 After a year at the Air Force Academy Barry Reynolds (below, second from left) teammate from Monrovia High, we were united again. His scholarship would take him to Stanford U. James Branch (far right) and I got scholarships to play for the 'Rebels' at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Wayne Nunnely (third from right 1952-2021) childhood friend, would come to UNLV a year later.

All-Conference and MVP on offense (above).

By the end of the semester had I earned an AA degree and on to another step of my journey in art and athletics.


 A great foundation for life was laid during my time at Citrus. Studied under some outstanding instructors Robert Bullock (art), Manly Johnson come to mind and coaches, John Strycula and Ed Conly, football and track respectively. These men had an positive impact on my life. 

 There are a fair amount of action sports images above. That is what I remember most when I think about those years of my life. Had I not played sports, my life would surely have taken a different direction. For sure, I would not be writing this blog.

 My time at Citrus College helped shape my future.

Until next time...