The path that led to this past week's trip to Canada began in June when I was interviewed by Mr. Cory Tibbits and Mr. Myles Rourke, co-hosts of the pod cast, End Credits.
At the end of the discussion they invited me to come up to their territory to do a session before a live audience. Of course I said,"yes".
A few months passed as Cory and Myles worked out the details and then I got the call, "It's a go.
Pack my bag. The trip is on!"
The itinerary said I needed to be at the airport three hours before my 11am flight.
There were at least a dozen people in line ahead of me. I soon discovered the line was not moving because there is no one at the counter....about forty minutes later, the attendants finally appeared sipping large Starbucks coffees.
Check in completed.
Waiting to board the plane gave me time to do a little sketching....
This guy on the far right had a heavy backpack which allowed him to assume an extreme lean forward...keep your eyes on alert, you never know what unique sketching opportunities await your pen:-)
Five and a half hour, smooth flight up and good night's sleep propelled me into my first Canadian adventure.
11 am...
Cory picked me up a my hotel and we headed for the famous Byward Market. Street after street lined with outdoor fruit stands, shops selling all kinds of wares, assorted pubs, eateries and much, much more.
I was assured, "Haven't been to Ottawa if I have not tasted a 'Beavertail'..."
Too good to try to describe. Anyone who has ever eaten one will attest, it is delicious.
If you are ever in the Ottawa, make your way to the BeaverTail stand in Bayward Market.
(Enjoying the Ottawa favorite at the BeaverTail stand) |
1:30 pm...
Still in Byward Market, Cory and I split a pizza for lunch, the best I ever had...the 'Carnivore' from Fiazza Fresh Fired on Murray Street.
(above) Canada's Parliament in the background...
(left) Posing at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
3:00 pm...
We walk a few blocks down town to the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) for a live radio interview.
We arrived a few minutes early. I see an opportunity to sketch while waiting outside the building.
Waiting inside (CBC) to be interviewed...
3:30 pm...
The interview started off blaring Paula Abdul singing 'Opposites Attract'. The host and I had a good laugh about it's popularity. Hadn't heard or thought about this slice of my life in a while. Of course, he questioned me about my involvement...
Circa 1990...
my room mate at the time Jaques Muller said, "Let's go over and pick up some freelance work, after work."
Chris Bailey was directing the animation for this award winning video. Other Disney animation artists were working on this project after hours, too.
We arrived at an apartment and were handed model sheets, exposure sheets, photo stats (Paula dancing on film) and discussed the business of the scene.
(If you have followed this blog, you know I depend on thumbnails, a lot.)
My thumbnail drawings to work out mouth shapes for MC Skat Kat's dialogue...

More thumbnails working out 'business' of his walk...
and ruff animation of walk.
Thumbnails of MC Skat Kat dance moves...

Thumbnails of Kat reaching for PA...
ruff animation of the action...
finished animated cell with photostat.
More ruff stuff...
My jog down memory lane complete, Alan the interviewer turned the discussion to animation, my book and other art related topics...
The short interview ended with an on the air plug for tonight's speaking engagement which I'm sure increased attendance.
7 pm...
Got a chance to encouraged and inspire a few hundred young artists and their teachers.
10 pm...
The session moves to the lobby and I finish answering questions that did not get answered inside and signed some autographs.
11 pm...
Security is giving us the eye...time to go.
All questions addressed, ticket stubs, backpacks, sketch books, laptop covers and two copies of my book (giveaways) signed, it was time to get back to my room.
It did not take much for me to fall asleep this night .
8 am Oct. 2...
Back to the airport.
And a little sketching in the terminal before my flight to Southern California.

until next time...